is Dr. Tom?
full name is Thomas Waßmer (Transcription of the german: "sharp
s": Wassmer). After having been working with the Chemistry Education Network in
Mainz, Germany as a scientific writer, multimedia developer and web designer for the last 4 years, I am now studying again (in Mannheim, Germany) to become a high school science teacher at the Steiner / Waldorf - Schools.
I earned my Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Konstanz working
on the hibernation of European hamsters and my M.Sc. from the University
of Freiburg studying dung beetle ecology. For more information on
my background, please refer to my resume.
In my spare time, I am offering
various services such as translation, localization and Software consulting as well as biological science consulting and information management
including information
retrieval, analyses and presentation as well as web design (InfoTom.com).
regularly writing software reviews for German and Swiss Computer
magazines for the last three years (various shareware and professional
applications for web design, Internet and the sciences such as:
Macromedia Flash, Adobe GoLive, Visio Pro, Microcal Origin and Statsoft
I am know focusing on Dr. Tom's Independent Software Reviews. For
many product groups there are no printed nor on-line resources for
placing reviews, because publishing reviews on highly specialized
software programs does not sell too well. This is the reason why
I created this web site. Starting with a comparative review on Topographic
Mapping Software,
I will continuously place reviews on products which should be of
interest for professional users. I hope you will enjoy my reviews
and they will help you to make a careful decision on whether or
not a software might be useful for you and worth the money to spend.
Thank you for visiting Dr. Tom's Software Reviews! Please feel free
to use or cite any of my reviews, complete or in parts! If you decide
to do so, please cite the origin of the material and inform me about
the purpose of your adoption.